
Tantalum Carbide (TaC)


榴莲视频下载污黄 offers high temperature resistive or inductive heaters with a proprietary coating known as Tantalum Carbide (TaC). With its high temperature stability and high chemical resistance, TaC coated graphite heater provides a more robust heating solution that enhances the life of heaters in harsh environment, reduces equipment maintenance cycle/cost, and increase production yield.

  • Temperature stability > 2200 °C
  • Ultra high purity
  • Hard coat with low particle release
  • Resistance to H2, NH3, SiH4, CH4
  • Resistance to thermal stock
  • Stable hot electrical resistance
  • Robust electrical contact
  • Conformal coating coverage
  • Strong adhesive to graphite
  • Simple 1D to complex 3D shapes

TaC Coating with High Crystallinity and Excellent Uniformity

TaC Coating with High Crystallinity and Excellent Uniformity
TaC Hot Filament Thermal Cycled to 2000°C at Rate 1000°C/min
IR and Optical Image of TaC Heater at 1100°C


Density (gm/cm3) Emissivity CTE (xl0-6/K) Hardness (HK) Resistance (Ohm-cm) Thermal Stability Etch Rate in NH3(?m/hr) Etch Rate in H2(?m/hr) Thickness Variation
Typical values. The information provided in these charts is for informational purposes only. It is not a product or material recommendation and it is shared with you on the express condition that you will use your own expertise and professional judgment in applying any information to a specific use case or need. This is general information only, the validity of which may be affected by individual factors that are unknown to 榴莲视频下载污黄. It is the responsibility of those using this information to ensure appropriate interpretation and application is undertaken with regards to any specific situation.

Have questions or need more information about Tantalum Carbide (TaC) Heaters? Download our product data sheet here.


No. 6, 10th Floor, No. 65, Gaotie 7th Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu, Taiwan


No. 1088 Yuanshen road, Suite 1101 Ping’an Fortune Building, Shanghai 200122, China

+86 21 5848 1388


榴莲视频下载污黄 Korea Ltd.

7F of WONIK Building, 20, Pangyo-ro 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea

+82 31 8038 9069


榴莲视频下载污黄 Japan KK

Park West 10th floor, 6-12-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1600023,

+81 3 6721 1910